Thursday, June 08, 2006

Atop Sunshine 60

This iced coffee and little pots of cream and sugar water consumed atop Sunshine 60, one of many tall buildings that have taken advantage of their height and added an observatory at the top (part of the "Sunshine City complex"). For 700 Japanese yen (~$7), you get an elevator ride to the top (topping off at 600 meters per minute, complete with really gag-inducing new age type elevator music) and a free drink from their "Air ship" cafe at the top of the monstrosity. I had a lovely afternoon of writing up there, taking breaks to take in the grey buildings that make up the vast expanse that is Tokyo. Really, buildings extend as far as the eyes can see, with nothing natural in sight. Atop the Taipei 101, you can see mountains in the near distance.
Not food, but the view from where I was sitting in Sunshine 60. The tall building to the right is a waste-processing plant, one of many that spot the cityscape of Tokyo.

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