Monday, February 18, 2008

Almond Doe Fu

If you know anything about being Asian, you know that almond tofu not anything novel. I think my mom used to make it as a dessert every time we went to a church potluck or get-together when we were younger. Although some people might actually use very silky soft tofu to make almond tofu, the "tofu" part of the name usually refers to the texture of the gelatin. My mom makes it with milk and Jell-o. Sometimes you put maraschino cherries (gross!) or other chopped up canned fruit in it, and chop the jelly part into small cubes. I really only like the almond milk and the almond-flavored cream based jelly. What is new and notable about this set from Yu Ji is that you get the juice separate from the jelly part, and both parts seriously are melt-in-your-mouth delicious.On the left is the packet of juice. You pour it separately so it doesn't make the jelly part any less jiggly during transport and storage.
Then, you have the option to slice the jelly part into smaller pieces and eat it like a soup; or, you can scoop up big slices from the entire mass. Which ever way you choose to do it, Yu Ji Shing Ren Doe Fu is the best! (于記杏仁豆腐) There is one at Tong Hua Street (通化) and Guang Fu Street North (光復北路). I don't know where the other ones are, but their addresses are below.
光復店:2756-5395 台北市光復北路5號之一
衡陽店:2370-1998 臺北市衡陽路101號
通化店:2378-1889 台北市通化街109號
樂華店:3233-3933 台北縣永和市永平路168號(樂華夜市內)

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